How to edit vehicle

Written by Maksym
Updated 2 weeks ago

To update an existing vehicle in Routestripe, follow these steps:

Step 1: Access the Vehicle Section

Log into your Routestripe account and navigate to Vehicles from the sidebar menu.

Step 2: Select the Vehicle to Edit

Locate the vehicle you wish to update on the Vehicles page. Use the kebab menu (three-dot icon) in the Action column and select Edit.

Step 3: Update Vehicle Details

In the Basic Information section, modify any of the following fields:

  1. Status (Active/Inactive)
  2. Title (Vehicle name or identifier)
  3. Plate Number
  4. Assigned Driver
  5. Vehicle Type (e.g., Truck, Van)
  6. Width (meters)
  7. Height (meters)
  8. Capacity: Volume (m³)
  9. Maximum Load Capacity
  10. Maximum Number of Visits Per Day
  11. Working Hours: Start time
  12. Working Hours: End time
  13. Default Break Hours: Start time
  14. Default Break Hours: End time
  15. Allowed Break Duration (total)
  16. Maximum Distance Per Day
  17. Possible Overtime (if applicable)
  18. Speed Limit (if defined)
  19. Service Warehouse (trip starting point)
  20. Park Location (alternative starting point, if applicable)

Step 4: Save Changes

The vehicle details will update automatically and reflect on the Vehicles page.

This completes the vehicle editing process.

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